Your Thoughts Are The Window To Your Feelings And Emotions

Most of us are familiar with the quote, “the eyes are the window to the soul”.  I wonder how many people know that it was inspired by the biblical passage found in Matthew 6:22-23, “the eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy; your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness”. 

What a power packed passage. Matthew 6:22-23 breaths life into the familiar quote.

Here is another Truth for you to consider, “your thoughts are the window to your feelings”. If your thoughts are lies, self-destructive, old replays of the past and past hurts, your feelings follow. If your thoughts are good, uplifting, empowering, encouraging, constructive your feelings follow. Be aware of your thoughts, you will better understand your feelings and emotions. Feelings and emotions cannot exist without your thoughts.  

ACTION PLAN: Exercise these TRUTHS 

  • You don’t have to always “think on your thought”……..(say that as many times as you need to for it to soak in, its powerful)

  • Use the power of your thoughts to manage your feelings and emotions.  

  • Take control of your thoughts, take control of your life.